Conflict and Communication: The Good Will Hunting Technique
In the self-help section of bookstores, there is abundant advice for communication in everyday situationswith bosses, parents, children, lovers and even animals. Worthwhile advice is to be found, but there also exists a prominent strain of advice that offers solutions that actually worsen the problem.
How Employees Fight Back Against Workplace Bullying
Adult bullying at work is a shocking, terrifying, and at times shattering experience. Whats more, bullying appears to be quite common, as one in ten U.S. workers report feeling bullied at work, and one in four report working in extremely hostile environments.
Mediated Interactivity: Tools for Democracy or Tools for Control?
When a global media giant uses its bullhorn to proclaim that the Internet has allowed the public to seize control from the media giants, its time for a closer examination of the marketing of mediated interactivity.